Sophia Loren once said “Beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects in your eyes,” and she knows just a thing or two about beauty!

Eyes are the Windows to the Soul. Wow! That statement is more true these days than ever before! We need to keep those windows looking bright and positive, since they are the first thing we see in others. Our eyes can show we are smiling even with our mouth and nose covered. Our lashes are what pulls your attention to the eyes, and makes them look bigger and brighter. Even when you don’t feel like putting on a lot of eye make up, if your lashes look full, you somehow feel so much better.

Thank goodness for Grande Lash MD! It’s a lash enhancing serum that promotes longer thicker looking lashes in 4 to 6 weeks. It’s a godsend for people who need a little help without a lot of work, time or expense. The best thing about using Grande Lash besides the obvious luscious looking lashes is that it’s extremely easy to use.

You just apply like eyeliner above your lashes on your top eyelids only. Do this before bed and in a few short weeks you will see fabulous results. After you achieve the look you want you can just use it every 2nd or 3rd night to maintain their fullness and length.

How do you know this works might be a question you’re thinking. I have several clients that had been telling me about it and how fast their lashes started growing once they started using it. I started using Grande Lash MD two years ago, shortly after my hair started coming back in after my chemo treatments. I noticed that my lashes actually looked better than they had before they fell out and I was So Happy! I asked my doctor if she thought it and not only did she tell me ye””, she’s now using it as well and loves it.

We are pleased to announce that we now carry Grande Lash MD and would love to have you try for yourself. While you’re there pick up a tube of Grande Brow! It does for your brows what Grande Lash does for your lashes.

Grande Brow does take a little longer to see results, about 12 to 16 weeks, but its worth the wait.

My mom always told me to keep my brows shaped and full because they are the frame on your face. As we age, unfortunately our brows start to thin, UGH! Grande Brow will definitely help to keep them looking more full and youthful. So come on in to Bambou and let us help keep those eyes and brows looking and feeling fabulous!


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